
Visiting new places and learning new information takes endurance and pacing. Ideally, you take opportunities presented to you (that our reasonable and safe-ish of course). You don’t want to avoid discomfort though as a lot of learning and growth happens there. It’s ok to laugh and learn at your mistakes, try new food, explore different activities, and meet new people. I’m not claiming these are easy for everyone but they are important. It’s also OK to need rest and take some down time. It’s all a balance that you will need to sort out, Food for thought …

Learning by Rote

Panyard in Laborie

The students in this group were using rote strategies to teach music to each other. More experienced players were teaching less confident ones by showing them the part. Then they would repeat the section multiple times to get the part. No sheet music was used. Parts were sung (sometimes with letter names) or modeled.


Sometimes you learn by taking a tumble. Today I literally took one on our walk down to the ocean. I’m totally fine but it reminds me that we learn from our missteps. Sometimes we go for it and miss and other times we land as intended. Always go for it anyways.

Overcoming Awkward

I can be awkward in new situations. I talk to help me feel more at ease. This of course is not always the most appropriate way to really hear people and learn. This is an inner battle that sometimes plays out. as I’ve gotten older, I realize it more.

In order to truly listen, one must shut up and find some quiet. Block out work, distractions, and anxieties.

Spreading the Word

You never know who you will get to talk to when you travel. Last night, I was talked to (for 90 minutes) by someone that had way too much to drink waiting for the flight. Don’t be that person. It’s a bad look and the folks around me on the plane felt bad for me.

Conversely, this morning I had a wonderful conversation with a gentleman that was driving me to the airport in Charlotte. He asked he where I was headed and for what. I shared that I was going to St. Lucia and because I love playing and learning about the steelpan and those involved with it. He immediately lit up, called me panman, and started asking questions. He was originally from New York and was aware of the steelpan from his time there.

What a wonderful way to start the day. You never know who you will meet…

Waiting and Patience

Still at the airport … boarding soon though. Much of the world outside of the U.S. operates at a slower pace. In my estimation, it’s a good thing. Time to reflect and think and exist.

It’s so important to slow down and re-group, give your mind permission to wander, and put aside the “to do” list. I’m anxious to get on my plane. Why? I’m regrettably wired this way and it’s been reinforced by US culture.

Traveling to a different culture requires patience, with others and with yourself. There’s a learning curve and most people travel to enjoy another culture. Take time, have patience, and enjoy it.